Hunts Art Group: Artists Huntingdon Cambridgeshire

Chris Lockwood workshop
Watercolour painting workshop with Chris Lockwood
Exhibition 2019
2019 Exhibition

Programme for 2024

Our first meeting of 2024 is on Saurday 27th January and then, throughout 2024, we are holding regular Saturday paint together mornings in All Saints Chuch Hall, Hartford from 10 am to 1 pm. For detailed dates see below. There will be a small charge for these workshops to cover the cost of the hall and teas, coffee, etc.(If a tutor is booked, the fee will be increased to cover the costs.)

Non-members interested in joining our group can attend these meetings at a small fee. Please contact the Treasurer to enquire about costs of demonstrations and workshops and to check on availability of spaces.

The dates of the Saturday meetings are:
27th January, 24th February, 23rd March (including AGM), 27th April which is the Palette Competition event, 18th May, 8th June*, 29th June, 27th July, 17th August, 28th September, 26th October and 7th December. (Details of any demos or tutors will be advised prior to the meetings.) No paint together meeting in November as this is the annual exhibition month.

*Note the 8th June session will be in the WI Hall in Huntingdon rather than our usual venue in Hartford.

(2019 Programme) (2018 Programme) (2017 Programme) (2016 Programme) (2015 Programme) (2014 Programme) (2013 Programme) (2012 Programme) (2011 Programme) (2010 Programme)


Celia Madison

We have had a wide range of tutors and demonstrators in recent years, including
Chris Lockwood
Tim Fisher
Bill Newton
David Ashpole
Shelagh Ashley
Vic Bearcroft
Celia Maddison (shown demonstrating above)
Catherine Staveley

Chris Christoforou

2014 Workshop with Chris Christoforou

Workshop with David Lewry

2014 Workshop with David Lewry


The Webpage of the Hunts Art Group © J. Horn 2010
(All artworks remain the copyright of each individual artist)